Monday, December 17, 2007

Update, because I like to pretend that people care

Because I know you all have been worried sick about my condition. If not, that's ok, you can still send me a get well card. Also, please enclose money--tens and twenties.

I am not dying. Well, I am...but in a more normative sense. Sinus infection--nah. Bronchitis--yes. Bladder infection--nah. What Kate calls 'whohah infection'--yes. (To which she replied, "poor whohah.") What I thought was surely cutaneous staph infection turned out to be poison ivy. Lots of pills and thangs.

Send money, poor whohah, lots of pills.

Other updates:
1. Countdown til Christmas: 8 days
2. Countdown til I kill my ex for ruining my life: 3 days
3. Countdown til I get the fuck out of here: 21 hours
4. Number of exams left: 1
5. Packing completed: nilch
6. Hours slept last night: 7
7. Pills taken today: 9
7. Number of harassing emails received: 1

Also, I wore flannel to class today. And two people complimented it. :)

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