Friday, December 14, 2007

My useless day

So, this morning I was awakened at 7:30 by people in the basement of my building drilling through the walls in the stairwell. The stairwell just happens to be right next to my room, and it echoes big time. Joy.

As soon as I woke up, I wished that I hadn't. My throat screamed and my sinuses ached. I am sick. Also, I started my period. Like, what the fuck, body? Get it together?! I then told my body that today was supposed to be used for studying for my three upcoming exams. One of which is tomorrow. It didn't care. Here's what I did instead:

I went to the bank, I went to the gas station and I went to McDonalds. Then I sat on the big suede chair at the sorority house and watched the ANTM Marathon for 4 hours in my emotional pseudophedrine induced state. Then my mom called me and made me cry. She asked why I went to see a therapist this week. I told her I didn't want to talk about it. Then she decided that it would be best to play twenty questions to see if she could guess why. End result: well, I already mentioned the crying part. After that I went to dinner and had some crap pizza. Then I came home and here I sit, trying to study for my exam. My friend Katie came over to bring me some tea. As we sat talking three other friends came into my room and we were all talking. Then just as soon as I started to feel a little better, the framed poster that hangs above my bed abruptly fell on my head. I screamed "mother fucker!" and then I front of four other people. It was sort of a sob and everyone just kind of stood there awkwardly, except for Katie, who, thank god, became my mom and protected me from the embarassment of it all. I think the worse part of the whole situation was the fact that I firmly believe that when you are in your own bed, nothing bad can happen to you. If you've had a bad day, getting into bed can make it all better. Well..let's just say, I've never had a bad experience in my bed (keep your imaginations in check). But I suppose I've been proven wrong.

I know when I wake up in the morning and the pseudophedrine has worn off, the bump on my head has subsided and the cramps in my lower back are no more...I will laugh at this whole entire day...but until then, I am going to lay here with my box of Fred's brand Kleenex and ignore my studying and probably read some Anne Lamott.

Happy Friday everyone.

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