Sunday, December 23, 2007


Rejection is sometimes comical and maybe even helpful. But when it's hurtful, that's the worst kind.

Last night, after being rejected by a woman the day before who I had very intense feelings for, I got rejected by another woman at the lesbian bar that I go to in downtown Atlanta. This girl is hot. But she's also a player. I hit on her and she literally walked away from me. Then a half hour later she came over to dance with me. I was my normal witty comical self. She laughed and then walked away again after the dancing was over. Being rejected that many times in one week, is like really shitty. Other than that though I had a fabulous time and made a lot of new friends.

And I suppose the fact that I put myself out there is really healthy, it's just the harsh response that made me feel shitty. So I supposed feeling shitty can be healthy sometimes?

Je ne said pas? C'est la vie.

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