Sunday, December 16, 2007

dear mr. president

So, I just re-watched season four of the L Word because I'm sick again, and it seems that's the only time I ever watch L word anymore.

If there's one thing Ilene Chaiken did right this year it was the season finale. Firstly, Pink's Dear Mr. President is amazing. Everyone should youtube it and watch/listen to it.

Secondly, the scene where Shane and Paige are fucking to Before we Begin is oh my god. So Good. I love the contrast of the modern lesbian couple with their tattoos and nipple piercings with that of the suburban white picket fence family of the 1950's. So radical; such a great statement. I was having this same type of discussion with my Women's Studies professor here in Sewanee a few weeks ago. We were talking about lesbians today who want the traditional family lifestyle in the suburbs. I wasn't sure what to say about it then, and I'm still not sure if I have much of an opinion now, but damn...that was a hot scene, thanks Ilene.

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