Wednesday, December 12, 2007

So, I'm a bad person...

Alright people, listen up. You're about to read about a rare event. I am about to admit fault. (Oh God...I can't believe I'm doing this).

So, I'm sure you all read a previous post entitled, "words from a queer feminist," in which I semi-rant about difference in both a negative and positive light. Well, that 'article' was submitted to the school newspaper and after a little editing back and forth between myself and the editor, it was published. I have since received some twenty or so responses to that article from individuals around campus. I, being the pessimist that I am, have been awaiting and expecting the hate mail to arrive. Today, I received it. I opened the envelope and immediately knew what it was when the phrase, "I believe homosexuality is a sin..." jumped out at me from the middle of the page. I carefully put the letter and enclosed Church pamphlet back into the envelope and decided that enough was enough. This is the fourth letter of that nature that has been delivered to me anonymously here in Sewanee over the past 3 years. I spoke to a friend and she advised me to phone the police. I did so. Thirty minutes later I went to work. I sat down and decided that I would read the letter from beginning to end, just so I knew entirely what I was dealing with. I began reading.


I read your editorial in 'The Purple' and it made me think. Although I'm a Christian, I've often said things that Christ would not have endorsed. many Christians and so called Christians often spend more time talking about what they don't believe in rather than what they do believe in, and more importantly who they believe in. I believe homosexuality is a sin but so is hate, lust, greed, and adultery. Your sin is no greater than mine. The Bible states that all have sinned. I Thess 4:3 states we should keep clean from all sexual sin. That includes heterosexual immorality as well, to include lust, which I am guilty of. So for my part, I am sorry for having judged you and people like you. It is not my job.

It may seem strange that I've inclosed a prison ministry newsletter but without Christ we are all slaves to sin and imprisoned by it. may God bless you and keep you.

-In need of a savior like everyone else

Please note the typos were kept in tact.

So, as I was reading the letter, I realized how much of an asshole I am. I jumped to conclusions and judged the anonymous reader before I even heard his/her entire argument. To the reader, thank you for your perspective and the great amount of introspection involved in your response to my thoughts. I truly appreciate it and I'm sorry for having judged you.

Now, I just need to figure out what I'm going to tell the police. :(

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