Thursday, December 13, 2007

Some ramblings

It's raining a lot of cats and dogs today people. Don't forget your umbrellas and please remember the words of a very wise actress, "Rain is water which does not come out of faucets."


This morning, I lay dozing soundly in my snuggly bed. The quilt wrapped tightly around my body and my mind dreamed wonderful things. With the window half open, fresh cool air drifted in creating a small wind stream through my room. It was lovely. Then, the garbage truck showed up.

Why on earth do they have that siren that turns on when they're backing up. I mean, they're backing up toward a wooden box, I really don't think that box can hear anything. No matter, it was getting to be about half past late, and I needed to get to work.


Yesterday, my little sister in the sorority gave me my first Christmas present of the season; a beautiful shawl made of bright blue, bright fuschia, golden yellow, and black thread. It is probably one of the nicest gifts anyone has ever given me. She said she bought it back in Texas over the summer; she saw it and knew it must be mine. I am wearing it today, even though it is 75 gazillion degrees in the library and I've got a fan blowing on me. I'm wearing it because it feels like a blanky that I can wrap up in, and this week, I definately need to wear blankies.


Yesterday afternoon, I went to see my new therapist. She's way cool. Her waiting room is nice, AND it smells good. The couch is comfortable, and she has these old movie theatre chairs in there, that have been refurbished. Also, there is smell good lotion next to where my paperwork was and nice relaxing music playing when I entered the door. (If I was an inspector of comfort, she'd have received a 100%). In her office, there is a big sign that says "Believe" in rainbow colored letters. She said I'm allowed to discuss God if I want to, and that she's cool with gay people. Mainly, I just swore a lot.


Right now, I am sitting here thinking about two very important women. Both of which I love dearly and both of which I think don't quite know what to make of me or how to deal with me. One of which I had a fight with last night. We caught a ride home from a party and I got in the way of her mack. I seem to do this a lot now-a-days since I'm not getting my mack on, and therefore, have apparently forgotten about how other people might like to. To my lovely friend who I share everything with: I'm sorry about last night. Please have lunch with me at noon?

The other lovely lady I think of often; she makes me smile. I think I may have freaked her out a few months ago. (I think I freaked myself out a few months ago). Anyway, I'm pretty sure you know who you are. And I just want you to know; I miss you. I don't really know what to do with that or the situation right now. But I'd really love to talk to you, and stat. I'll be home next week, if I don't get snowed in up here. Also, you'll never believe what the soup can man did this morning. Holy moly stromboli!

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