Thursday, December 13, 2007

One of these things is not like the other

Firstly, today has been insanely crazy. It is 8:30 and I am seriously considering going to be in the next hour which, by the way, is totally uncharacteristic of me.

Secondly, Pandora is probably the best invention ever.

I woke up this morning, got to the library (only 10 minutes late) and my boss informs me that I could have waited to come for another hour since it was so slow. I then proceeded to sit there for three hours and basically do nothing except be hungry. Then, I went to lunch.

After that, I went and raked leaves. And then after that I went to clean someone's house. I have calculated it and I earned $61 today. Also, I put out a friend's fire by offering to loan him my computer for the afternoon tomorrow and I cleaned my room. Well, I thought I cleaned my room until 5 minutes ago when I opened my underwear drawer and proceeded to realize that there is no longer any underwear in there. The drawer has been taken over by the following items:

a bag of cotton balls
a bunch of old holey underwear
old bras that I don't wear anymore
a bag of unopened socks that I stole from my mom
a pair of brown tights
five scarves
a pencil
a necklace
a beer coozy

Then, I proceeded to start singing "One of these things is not like the other." Currently I am waiting for my clothes to get done in the washing machine so I can walk the four flights of stairs to go put them in the dryer. I am wearing...a skirt and a bath towel, and I'm hungry. Ok, now I feel like I'm just writing about updates of my life. I really want to watch some L&O right now...but I'm too lazy to go to the first floor to watch tv and also, I'm inappropriately dressed to do so as the first floor is inhabited by human beings with penises--gross.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.