Friday, November 16, 2007

You jump, I jump

So, on this glorious Friday evening, I am hangin with my home-girl Kate. BFF Kate and I usually hang out most every night, but you see, tonight is different. It's special. Why? you might ask. Because Kate and I have had very important plans all week for this night. I purchased fine chardonnay (Lindeman's Bin 65) at the liquor store, which costs about 3 dollars more than the chardonnay that I normally purchase (Jacob's Creek). Tonight, Kate and I are watching "Titanic" on TNT.

I know, I know. What a lame movie. Well fuck all y'all. This film came out when Kate and I were twelve. We both had huge Leonardo DiCaprio crushes. I kept a Romeo and Juliet poster on my wall until I was sixteen and kissed Leo goodnight, every night. I have seen just about every film he's ever been in. I am an open lesbian, but I would still do him today. I own a collector's La Coeur de la Mer, a Christmas gift from my aunt that I received when I was in jr high school. I walk around saying things like, "I'll teach you to chew tobacco like a man," or I finish people's sentences with the phrase, "...over on the bed. The Couch!" or by yelling, "He does landscapes!" at random people who irritate me. Also, my best friend in jr high school, Emily, and I used to perform live productions of "My Heart Will Go On" for her parents with microphones and all. Let's just say, "Titanic" had a huge impact on my teenage years.

My only qualm with watching this on television is that you don't get to see Kate Winslet's breasts, which Kate had to remind me about on three different occasions this week. You know, I don't know why we don't just watch my copy of the film, I have it on VHS.

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