Sunday, November 18, 2007

In Passing

Mother always said,
“Mind your P’s and Q’s, my dear.”
Someone should tell her.

There is someone with whom I interact on a semi-frequent basis that for some reason, has the ability to make me fee like shit almost every time I interact with her. Did her mother not raise her to be considerate of other people and their emotions? apparently not.

According to this individual I am "lame and gross." Now, ordinarily I would be completely able to ignore such comments and move on with my life. But you see, these comments only come at me when I'm down. When I'm having a rough day or when I'm really stressed out about something or when I'm really blue. What the hell kind of person would say such things to someone who is hurting?

Well, the "lame" comment occured last night and quite frankly, I'm tired or being emotionally discomforted everytime I see someone who claims to be my friend and in fact has pledged to uphold and care for me through the bonds of sisterhood. If you're reading this, cut it out. If you're hurting, I'm here for you. But please stop hurting me.

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