Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Books and Class

If there's one thing I've learned from my sorority and from my time here in Sewanee, it's that books and class are important but they shouldn't rule your life:

"Books and class...got myself a fancy pair...when you knock there's someone there...study every night, story of my life."

when combined with...

"Beer and flasks...got myself a fancy pair...when you knock there's no one there...party every night, story of my life."

...seems to be my current dilemma. Let me give you some examples of this phenomena:

1. While saving the world with massive amounts of quiche on Saturday, I drank vodka. Why? because it was there. Also, because I needed to be able to feel at ease when discussing various academic topics with alumnae.

2. Last night, I went to the local bar/restaurant to meet up with my fellow Feminist lady friends. We were combining our knowledge of Feminist theory to produce our "Feminist Pledge" for the graduating class. I seemed to be the only one interested in actually getting the damn thing written so I could leave, but in the process consumed a pitcher of beer.

3. While writing comps, I found it absolutely necessary to consume wine. Why? so that my prefrontal cortex would shut up, thus allowing me to expand my academic horizons.

A wise woman once said, "I have no time to be sober." As a senior 1/2 comped student at Sewanee, I am inclined to agree with her analysis of the Sewanee experience. Thank you Miss Ensor.

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