Friday, November 2, 2007


Tonight, I was laying in my bed typing furiously on my laptop. My hunt for psychology articles at the front of my cortex, my prefrontal cortex actively engaged in the judgment required to make each thought a series of keyboard strokes. My hand deep in the front of my hair, feverishly moving fingers...trying to massage my brain.

Progressive relaxation theory. Jacobson. Spiritual alternatives. Stress-induced anxiety. Systematic desentizi... *KNOCK KNOCK*

I leapt from the bed, eyes glazed and feet bare.

I opened the door, "David!"

"Sam!" David replied, embracing me in a big bear hug.

"I didn't know when you'd be here, what's up?"

We chatted for about twenty minutes. Soon my friend Erica walked in, and news of Linda Claire's pending arrival was announced. Three of my very favorite people ever ever EVER!

I love Fridays, and I love Homecoming. But I love sketchy alums even more, especially the ones who I miss so dearly, most of the time.

Friends are hard to come by, and friends who come especially to see you, are even more rare. I heart you guys!

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