Thursday, November 1, 2007

Season 4, L Word

So, I have basically spent the last 24 hours in bed watching the fourth season of The L Word, while taking a lot of Sudafed and eating a lot of Chex Mix.

I sighed, laughed, gawked, yelled and cried A LOT.

My conclusions:

I'm still in love with Shane. I still want to be Alice. And I still find Helena annoying. Tina has come back into my safety circle. I trust her again. Bette is definitely a new favorite. I have never liked her until this season. I think Jodi is good for her. Mainly, I'm concerned about Alice, I hope she doesn't have another break down next season. It's okay, Alice, I love you!


Every time I watch The L Word, I learn something new. This time, I learned some stuff about myself. Mainly, I learned from Shane. What I walked away with basically, is a compilation of feelings and cognitions. I really admire Shane in this season. She walks away from an intense emotional and fucked up situation, does a lot of self-medicating, until she not only sobers up but wises up. She learns to stabilize while taking care of the business in her life and falling in love. If Ilene goes and fucks with her character again, I swear, I might just mail some Anthrax to that bitch.

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