Wednesday, November 21, 2007


I just finished baking my birthday cake with my two sisters. This was a new experience because usually I bake it by myself. I always insist on having birthday cake on Thanksgiving because that's when the whole family is together and also, I hate pie. My mom always gets mad that I want birthday cake instead of pie, so I end up making it myself.

Phoebe measured the water. Taylor measured the cooking oil. I cracked the eggs and orchestrated.

"Could someone please find the wax paper?" I asked.

Taylor would reply, "I will," but would not know where to find it. Phoebe would step in and get it and bring it to me. Oh, kids.

Though I like to bake and cook things, I feel a little bad that I just taught the girls how to bake a cake. Like I may have just instilled traditional gender roles. I'm such a hypocrit.

Betty Friedan, please excuse my behavior.

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