Saturday, January 5, 2008

pink is my new favorite color

one night to you
lasted six weeks to me...

it's gonna take a long time to love
it's gonna take a hold on
it's gonna be a long way to happy
left in the pieces that you broke me into
torn apart
but now i've got to
keep on rolling like a stone

cuz it's gonna be a long long way to happy...
trying to cover up the damage
and pat out all the bruises...

i'll keep on rolling down this road
but i've got a bad bad feeling

now i'm numb as hell
and i can't feel a thing
but don't worry about regret or guilt
cuz i never even knew your name
but i just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart
for all the sleepless nights
and for tearing me apart...

(for the rest of this post please see broke broke bertha meets red retter vargas--my poetry blog)

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