Wednesday, January 9, 2008

I'm sorry and/or my bad

Yesterday and today have been the best days ever!

The summer after I turned sixteen I had never smoked a cigarette, kissed a girl or been to a cool kid party. The fall after that summer, I still had never smoked a cigarette, kissed a girl or been to a cool kid party but I had had my first cool kid experience.

I worked at a church camp that summer. There was this thing that lived on the surface of the lake in the center of the compound. It was tethered to the two story dock and it was about 12 feet in diameter and about 40 feet long. It was called The Blob.

During camper's rest period, all the counselors were allowed to swim in the lake. That was the only time we were allowed to play on The Blob. The idea was to jump off the dock onto the end of The Blob that was directly beneath the dock. The person on the other end of The Blob would then be catapulted into the air to eventually land in the lake. It was great fun to watch the faces of the soaring counselors, but to be one was quite a different story.

One day during counselor play time, my counselor friend Scott told me it was time to Blob. So, I took a deep breath and climbed the dock ladder. I jumped on The Blob forcing my friend Anna into the air probably at a standard arch of 4 feet above the surface of the water. I crawled to the other end of The Blob. At this point all of the campers were standing on the back docks of their tents watching the counselors make fools of themselves and laughing. A few seconds after I get situated at the end of The Blob with my back to the dock, I felt an enormous pounce at the opposite end of The Blob. My body flew out of control and fell smack into the lack, stomach first. (This is also known as a belly flop). Upon exiting the water, the entire camp was clapping and cheering loudly. My stomach ached with pain. It was only after I exited the lake that I was informed of the situation. Apparently, my friend Scott and my other friends David and Anna had all jumped on The Blob together and that I had cleared the two story dock by about four feet before flopping loudly into the lake. I felt like the coolest kid ever, mainly because I had lived, but also because I had not cried and everyone thought I was cool.

Yesterday and today, I have felt like that same cool kid. The one with the bruises but still smiling and having a great time at life.

And also my last two days have been fun because that turtle couple on the comcast commercials, crack me up.

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