Thursday, January 17, 2008

Some lamentations

1. I want to bottle library air because it smells so so so good--or is that my new cologne, no idea?

2. There's a lot of caffeine and nicotine in my bloodstream right now.

3. I just wrote 800 words in 30 minutes.

4. I can't get my foot to stop wiggling.

5. My therapist called me Bertha in our session today.

6. Pink should be my girlfriend.

7. I am one of 2 people in an area of about 3000 square feet right now. Thanks Sewanee for my 11 acres and the fabulous location right next to the new compact shelving in the basement of the library.

Stats (quick!):
Caffeine intake: all time high
Nicotine intake: ditto
Words written: 3500
Words yet to be written: 2900
Hours remaining: 21

And no, Sarah, I did not wear a bra today.

Presence of bra: no

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