Sunday, October 28, 2007

A word, in short

"...businesswoman..I don't think that's a word."

So this afternoon, I was talking to my friend who is a grad student in Charlottesville. We were updating each other on our lives. I used the word stagnate to describe mine. In that I mean, though it stressful and there's a shit ton to do, my emotions about it all are pretty stagnate. She said that "stagnate was too positive a word."

I like to think that I'm really good at describing things and, in general, communicating with people. Sometimes, it takes a few tries, but I always seem to get it right in the end. For me, walking away from a great conversation, is like Christmas or something. I get that warm fuzzy feeling, like I just made a really soulful connection with another person who is floundering around in life, just as I am.

Stagnation should not be the way life is, but sometimes, it just works out that way. I suppose everyone's life could be placed on a continuum of stagnation. Why do I suppose that to be a bad thing? It's not, it's somewhat calm. But it makes me feel like I'm not living or something. Like, I need to get out of this stagnate state.

If people were happy living in states of stagnation, wherein they were to any extent unhappy, there would be no change in the world.

No Civil Rights Movement. No Gay Liberation Movement. No Women's Liberation Movement. No waking up in the morning. No sleeping. No sex.

I don't think I can live in a world like that, but yet I am.

Go on Liz Lemon, be a businesswoman! Damn "the Man."

In short, a word is not always just a word.

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