Sunday, October 28, 2007


“What’s the best Sunday you’ve ever had?” She asked, smiling.

“I don’t know?” the other looked off into the distance, taking a drag from her cigarette.

Slouching further into the dirty lawn chair, She mimicked the other, deeply breathing in the sultry smoke that seemed to numb her already anesthetized emotion.

She sat quietly, recalling softly a memory from two years prior. She spoke slowly. "There was this one day," She began, taking another drag, "with my ex," She exhaled.
The other listened.

When She was finished describing the delicate arrangement of events, the other smiled.

She had lost the ability to smile. More recent memories and feelings of Her filling her mind. She took another drag from her cigarette.

“I wish I could ease the pain,” She said, trying not to think about Her. A tear should have gathered in the corner of her eye, but it didn't.

“Do you miss your ex?” the other asked.

“No,” She replied, snubbing out her cigarette, “I miss Her.”

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