Thursday, October 25, 2007

homeys and haters

"I need you right now..." *flings gang hand signal*

The world is a complicated place. You meet a lot of people to whom you can relate and a lot you can't. The latter are the kinds of interactions for which I used to hunt.

Lately, the desire of my heart has been to actively seek out those individuals in my life who dwell not only close to my heart, but who also share similar perspective and understanding.

Who are my doctors of philosophy? and why do I need their advice in the first place? And Amy Ray, will I really be closer to fine if I find these people out?

I don't know about all of that, but my hunch is the more stops I take along the road of life, the more I'll not only learn in general, but the more I'll know about myself. However, my problem seems to be that I have a difficult time leaving each pit stop. I don't know if that's necessarily a problem, but it sure does hurt my soul a lot.

I was driving on a sixty mile stretch of interstate in middle Tennesse this weekend on my way to Atlanta. The mountains were so beautiful. Most of the trees were still green but some of them had begun to change probably a week or so prior to my presence there. The ones that had begun their transition were a golden ambery color. The spotty gold among the ever green wonder of the wilderness through which the interstate tears was philosophical enough to make me cry. Then I just wanted to go to a Michaels for craft supplies and innocent child-like art creativity.

Maybe I'll go to Michael's tomorrow. Perhaps I'll pass some more pretty trees or maybe meet some new pit stops?

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