Friday, October 26, 2007

The Deal

This morning, I rolled out of bed fifteen minutes before my 8 o'clock class. I pulled on some jeans over my pajama long johns and went to brush my teeth. After locating matching socks, quite an accomplishment for the morning, and buttoning my sweater, I placed my smudgy glasses on my unwashed face. Katy and I scrambled to the staircase, the minutes chasing us out of the building.

You see? my friends, foes, muffins and turtles. This is what happens when you are in the middle of comprehensive examinations. All that used to be of the utmost importance, like acne prevention and clean underwear consciousness, all fall to the wayside.


Papers written: 4 1/2

Papers to be written: 1 1/2

Sleep: minimal

Food: sufficient, at the moment

Caffeine intake: high

Nicotine intake: high

Nicotine reserves: declining

Socks: matching and clean

Bra: n/a

Energy: high

Irritability: high

Self-esteem: moderate

Emotional state: secondary

Countdown: 6.5 hours

Additionally, I would like to add that random voicemails about procrastination with lovely lounge music in the background are welcome. I will be requiring more nutrients at some point, so if someone has some Ramen they're not eating, feel free to drop it by. Do not be frightened by the "by appointment" signage. Also, BFF, if you could pick me up some cigarettes, that'd be great, and if not, that's ok. This is due to the fact that you provided me with much needed you-being-a-drunken-human-exclamation-point-entertainment last night, when I needed it most.

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